Mini Shell

Direktori : /home/kasaimoveis/www/admin/js/
Upload File :
Current File : /home/kasaimoveis/www/admin/js/wl_Form.js

/* wl_Form v 1.1.1 by
/* description:	handles the serialization, unserialization and sending
/*				of a form
/* dependency: 	$.confirm, wl_Number*, wl_Slider*, wl_Date*, wl_Value*,
/* 				wl_Password*, wl_File*
/*				* only when fields are within the form

$.fn.wl_Form = function (method) {

	var args = arguments;
	return this.each(function () {

		var $this = $(this);

		if ($.fn.wl_Form.methods[method]) {
			return $.fn.wl_Form.methods[method].apply(this,, 1));
		} else if (typeof method === 'object' || !method) {
			if ($'wl_Form')) {
				var opts = $.extend({}, $'wl_Form'), method);
			} else {
				var opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.wl_Form.defaults, method, $;
		} else {
			$.error('Method "' + method + '" does not exist');

		//all fields within that form
		var $inputs = $this.find('input,textarea,select,,div.slider'),
			//$required = $inputs.filter('[required]'), //Doenst work on IE7/8
			$submitbtn = $this.find(opts.submitButton);

		if (!$'wl_Form')) {

			$'wl_Form', {});

			//get options from the forms nativ attributes
			opts.action = $this.attr('action') || opts.action;
			opts.method = $this.attr('method') || opts.method;

			//prevent the forms defautl behaviour
			$this.bind('submit.wl_Form', function (event) {
				return false;
			//bind the click action to the submit button
			$submitbtn.bind('click.wl_Form', function (event) {
				return false;

			//iterate thru the fields
			$inputs.each(function () {
				var _this = $(this),
					_row = _this.closest('section'),
					//the label should be nice readable
					_label = _row.find('label').eq(0).html() || || || '';

				//This is required because IEs < 9 can't handle this as expected
				if ('[required]') || typeof _this.prop('required') == 'string') {'required', true);
					_row.find('label').eq(0).append('&nbsp;<span class="required">&nbsp;</span>');
				//add the label to the field (and strip out unwanted info)'wl_label', _label.replace(/<span>([^<]+)<\/span>|<([^>]+)\/?>/g, ''));

			//set the form status after the submit button if status is true
			if (opts.status && !$submitbtn.closest('div').is('span.wl_formstatus')) {
				$submitbtn.closest('div').append('<span class="wl_formstatus"></span>');

			//parse the parameters
			if (opts.parseQuery) {

		} else {


		if (opts) $.extend($'wl_Form'), opts);


$.fn.wl_Form.defaults = {
	submitButton: 'button:last',
	method: 'post',
	action: null,
	ajax: true,
	serialize: false,
	parseQuery: true,
	dataType: 'text',
	status: true,
	sent: true,
	confirmSend: true,
	text: {
		required: 'Este campo é obrigatório',
		valid: 'Este campo é inválido',
		password: 'Esta senha é curta',
		passwordmatch: 'Esta senha não é correspondente',
		fileinqueue: 'Há pelo menos um arquivo na fila',
		incomplete: 'Por favor preencha o formulário corretamente!',
		send: 'salvando dados informados ...',
		sendagain: 'Salvar dados?',
		success: 'Dados salvos com sucesso!',
		error: 'erro ao salvar dados!',
		parseerror: 'Can\'t unserialize query string:\n %e'
	tooltip: {
		gravity: 'nw'
	onRequireError: function (element) {},
	onValidError: function (element) {},
	onPasswordError: function (element) {},
	onFileError: function (element) {},
	onBeforeSubmit: function (data) {},
	onComplete: function (textStatus, jqXHR) {},
	onError: function (textStatus, error, jqXHR) {},
	onSuccess: function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {}
$.fn.wl_Form.version = '1.1';

$.fn.wl_Form.methods = {
	disable: function () {
		var $this = $(this),
			_inputs = $this.find($'wl_Form').submitButton + ',input,textarea,select,,div.slider');
		//iterate thru all fields
		_inputs.each(function () {
			var _this = $(this);
			if ('div')) {
				//disable slider and datefields
				if ('div.slider') &&'wl_Slider')) {
				} else if ('') &&'wl_Date')) {
			} else {
				//disable normal fields
				_this.prop('disabled', true);
		$'wl_Form').disabled = true;
	enable: function () {
		var $this = $(this),
			_inputs = $this.find($'wl_Form').submitButton + ',input,textarea,select,,div.slider');
		//iterate thru all fields
		_inputs.each(function () {
			var _this = $(this);
			if ('div')) {
				//enable slider and datefields
				if ('div.slider') &&'wl_Slider')) {
				} else if ('') &&'wl_Date')) {
			} else {
				//enable normal fields
				_this.prop('disabled', false);
		$'wl_Form').disabled = false;
	submit: function () {
		//collect some required info
		var $this = $(this),
			_data = {},
			_opts = $'wl_Form'),
			_inputs = $this.find('input,textarea,select,,div.slider'),
			_statusel = $this.find('.wl_formstatus'),
			_requiredelements = Array(),
			_validelements = Array(),
			_passwordelements = Array(),
			_fileelements = Array(),
			_submit = true,
			_addHiddenField = function(after,id,name,value){
				if(!$('#'+id).length) $('<input>',{type:'text',id:id,name:name,value:value}).insertAfter(after);

		//status reset

		//iterate thru all fields
		_inputs.each(function (i, e) {
			var _this = $(this),
				_row = _this.closest('section');

			//passwords has a different error handling
			if (_this.attr('type') != 'password' && !'wl_Password') ||'wl_Password') &&'wl_Password').connect) {

			//if a placeholder is set remove the value temporary
			if (_this.prop('placeholder') && _this.val() == _this.prop('placeholder') && !'uservalue')) {
			//if field is required an a value is set or it is a checkbox and the checkbox isn't checked or it is a file upload with no files
			if ('required')) {
				if ((!_this.val() ||':checkbox') && !':checked')) && !'wl_File')) {
					_submit = false;
				} else if ('wl_File') && !'wl_File').files.length) {
					//use the filepool for the tooltip
					_submit = false;

			//if it is a valid field but it isn't valid
			if ('wl_Valid') && !'wl_Valid').valid) {
				_submit = false;
			//check if there is a file in the queue
			if ('wl_File') && !$.isEmptyObject('wl_File').queue)) {
				//use the filepool for the tooltip
				_submit = false;
			//if it is a password
			if ('wl_Password')) {
				var value = _this.val();
				//password confirmation is set and the confirmation isn't equal the password or the password is shorter than the minlength of the password field
				if (('wl_Password').confirm &&'wl_Password').connect && value != $('#' +'wl_Password').connect).val()) || (value && value.length <'wl_Password').minLength)) {
					_submit = false;


		//if some of the above errors occures
		if (!_submit) {

			//iterate thru all required fields
			$.each(_requiredelements, function (i, e) {

				//callback[0], e);

				//use tipsy for a tooltip
				e.tipsy($.extend({}, config.tooltip, _opts.tooltip, {
					trigger: 'manual',
					fallback:'errortext') || _opts.text.required

				//hide tooltip on fieldfocus or change
				e.bind('focus.tooltip, click.tooltip, change.tooltip', function () {
					$(this).unbind('focus.tooltip, click.tooltip, change.tooltip').tipsy('hide');

			//iterate thru all valid fields
			$.each(_validelements, function (i, e) {

				//callback[0], e);

				//use tipsy for a tooltip
				e.tipsy($.extend({}, config.tooltip, _opts.tooltip, {
					trigger: 'manual',
					fallback:'errortext') ||'wl_Valid').errortext || _opts.text.valid

				//hide tooltip on fieldfocus
				e.bind('focus.tooltip, click.tooltip', function () {
					$(this).unbind('focus.tooltip, click.tooltip').tipsy('hide');

			//iterate thru all password fields
			$.each(_passwordelements, function (i, e) {
				var text = '',
					value = e.val();

				//confirmation is set
				if ('wl_Password').confirm) {
					var connect = $('#' +'wl_Password').connect);

					//but password is not equal confimration
					if (value != connect.val()) {

						//tipsy on the confirmation field
						connect.tipsy($.extend({}, config.tooltip, _opts.tooltip, {
							trigger: 'manual',
							fallback:'errortext') || _opts.text.passwordmatch

						//hide tooltip in fieldfocus
						connect.bind('focus.tooltip, click.tooltip', function () {
							$(this).unbind('focus.tooltip, click.tooltip').tipsy('hide');

				//length is to short
				if (value.length <'wl_Password').minLength) {[0], e);

					e.tipsy($.extend({}, config.tooltip, _opts.tooltip, {
						trigger: 'manual',
						fallback:'errortext') || _opts.text.password

					//hide tooltip in fieldfocus
					e.bind('focus.tooltip, click.tooltip', function () {
						$(this).unbind('focus.tooltip, click.tooltip').tipsy('hide');


			//iterate thru all file upload fields
			$.each(_fileelements, function (i, e) {

				//callback[0], e);

				//use tipsy for a tooltip
				e.tipsy($.extend({}, config.tooltip, _opts.tooltip, {
					trigger: 'manual',
					fallback:'errortext') || _opts.text.fileinqueue

				//hide tooltip on fieldfocus or change
				e.bind('focus.tooltip, click.tooltip, change.tooltip', function () {
					$(this).unbind('focus.tooltip, click.tooltip, change.tooltip').tipsy('hide');
			//Set status message
			return false;

		//confirmation is required if the form was allready sent
		if (_opts.confirmSend && _opts.sent === true) {
			$.confirm(_opts.text.sendagain, function () {
				_opts.sent = false;
			return false;

		//iterate thru all fields and prepare data
		_inputs.each(function (i, e) {
			var _el = $(e),
				key = _el.attr('name') ||,
				value = null;
			if ('wl_Date')) {

				var connect = $this.find('input[data-connect=' + + ']').eq(0),
					dateobj = new Date(_el.datepicker('getDate')),
					//format: YYYY-MM-DD
					date = dateobj.getFullYear() + '-' + $.leadingZero(dateobj.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + $.leadingZero(dateobj.getDate());
				if (dateobj.getTime()) {
					//is connected to a timefield
					if (connect.length) {
						value = date + ' ' + ('wl_Time').time || '00:00');
						//insert a hidden field for non ajax submit
						if (!_opts.ajax) _addHiddenField(_el,key+'_wlHidden',key,value);
					} else {
						value = date;
						//correct the format on nativ submit
						if (!_opts.ajax) _el.val(value);
				//inline Date needs a hidden input for nativ submit
				if(!_opts.ajax &&'div')){
				_data[key] = value;

			} else if ('wl_Slider')) {

				//if it is connected we have a input field too so skip it
				if (!'[data-connect]')) {
					if ('wl_Slider').range !== true) {
						value = _el.slider('option', 'value');
						//insert a hidden field for non ajax submit
						if (!_opts.ajax) _addHiddenField(_el,key+'_wlHidden',key,value);
					} else {
						value = _el.slider('option', 'values');
						//insert hidden fields for non ajax submit
						if (!_opts.ajax){
							for(var i = value.length-1; i >= 0 ; i--){
					_data[key] = value;

					//form needs a name attribute for nativ submit
						if ('wl_Slider').range !== true) {
							var input = $('#''wl_Slider').connect);
							if (!input.attr('name')) input.attr('name','wl_Slider').connect);
							var connect = $.parseData('wl_Slider').connect, true);
							var input1 = $('#'+connect[0]);
							var input2 = $('#'+connect[1]);
							if (!input1.attr('name')) input1.attr('name',connect[0]);
							if (!input2.attr('name')) input2.attr('name',connect[1]);

				//wysiwyg editor
			} else if ('wl_Editor')) {

				//copy the content to the textarea
				_data[key] = _el.val();

				//file upload
			} else if ('wl_File')) {

				_data[key] ='wl_File').files;
				//if no file was uploaded value is null
				if ($.isEmptyObject(_data[key])){
					_data[key] = null;
					//insert a hidden field for non ajax submit
					if (!_opts.ajax)_addHiddenField(_el,key+'_wlHidden',key,'null');
					//insert hidden fields for non ajax submit
					if (!_opts.ajax){
						for(var i = _data[key].length-1; i >= 0 ; i--){
			} else if ('wl_Time')) {

				//if it is connected we have a datefield too so skip it
				if (!'[data-connect]')) {
					_data[key] ='wl_Time').time;
					//insert a hidden field for non ajax submit
					if (!_opts.ajax)_addHiddenField(_el,key+'_wlHidden',key,'wl_Time').time);

			} else if (':checkbox')) {

				_data[key] =':checked');
				//insert a hidden field for non ajax submit
				if (!_opts.ajax) _addHiddenField(_el,key+'_wlHidden',key,_data[key]);
			} else if (':password')) {

				_data[key] = _el.val();

				//radio buttons
			} else if (':radio')) {

				if (':checked')) {
					//use the value attribute if present or id as fallback (new in 1.1)
					_data[key] = (_el.val() != 'on') ? _el.val() :;

				//number field
			} else if ('wl_Number')) {

				value = _el.val();
				if (isNaN(value)) {
					value = null;
				_data[key] = value;

				//other fields
			} else {
				_data[key] = _el.val();
		//return false;
		//should we serialize it? (key=value&key2=value2&...)
		if (_opts.serialize) {
			_data = $.param(_data);

		//callback can return false to prevent sending
		if ($this[0], _data) === false) {
			return false;
		//set status text

		//send the form natively
		if (!_opts.ajax) {
			return false;

		//now disable it

		//send the form
			url: _opts.action,
			type: _opts.method,
			data: _data,
			dataType: _opts.dataType,
			//callback on success
			success: function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
				_statusel.textFadeOut(_opts.text.success);$this[0], data, textStatus, jqXHR);
			//callback on complete
			complete: function (jqXHR, textStatus) {
				_opts.sent = true;$this[0], textStatus, jqXHR);
			//callback on error
			error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, error) {
				_statusel.text(_opts.text.error);$this[0], textStatus, error, jqXHR);

	unserialize: function (string) {
		var $this = $(this),
			_searchquery = string ||;

		//parse only if we have something to parse
		if (_searchquery) {

			//could throw an error because its an userinput
			try {

				//prepare string to get a clean array with with key => value
				values = decodeURIComponent(_searchquery).split('&');

				var serialized_values = [];

				$.each(values, function () {
					var properties = this.split("="),
						key = properties.shift();

					properties = properties.join('=');

					if ((typeof key !== 'undefined') && (typeof properties !== 'undefined')) {
						serialized_values[key.replace(/\+/g, " ")] = properties.replace(/\+/g, " ");
				values = serialized_values;

				// Iterate thru each element
				$("input,textarea,select,,div.slider").each(function () {
					var _this = $(this),
						_type = _this.attr("type"),
						tag_name = ||;

					// Set the values to field
					if (values[tag_name] != null) {

						if (_type == "checkbox") {
							_this.prop("checked", (values[tag_name] == 'true'));

							//radio buttons
						} else if (_type == "radio") {
							$('input[id="' + values[tag_name] + '"]').attr("checked", true);

						} else if (_type == "password") {
							//don't write passwords for security reasons
						} else if ('wl_Date') &&'input')) {
							if (/(\d\d:\d\d)$/.test(values[tag_name])) {
								var time = values[tag_name].substr(11),
									date = values[tag_name].substr(0, 10);
								_this.datepicker('setDate', new Date(date));
								$('input[data-connect="' + tag_name + '"]').val(time).data('wl_Time').time = time;
							} else {
								_this.datepicker('setDate', new Date(values[tag_name]));

							//inline datepicker
						} else if ('wl_Date') &&'div')) {
							_this.datepicker('setDate', new Date(values[tag_name]));

						} else if ('wl_Color')) {
							_this.wl_Color('set', 'value', values[tag_name]);

						} else if ('wl_Slider')) {
							_this.wl_Slider('values', values[tag_name]);
							if ('wl_Slider')) {

							//wysiwyg editor
						} else if ('wl_Editor')) {
							if ('wl_Editor')) {
								_this.wysiwyg("setContent", values[tag_name]);

							//other fields
						} else {
			} catch (e) {

				//call a message to prevent crashing the application
				$.msg($'wl_Form').text.parseerror.replace('%e', e));
	set: function () {
		var $this = $(this),
			options = {};
		if (typeof arguments[0] === 'object') {
			options = arguments[0];
		} else if (arguments[0] && arguments[1] !== undefined) {
			options[arguments[0]] = arguments[1];
		$.each(options, function (key, value) {
			if ($.fn.wl_Form.defaults[key] !== undefined && $.fn.wl_Form.defaults[key] !== null) {
				$'wl_Form')[key] = value;
			} else {
				$.error('Key "' + key + '" is not defined');


Zerion Mini Shell 1.0