Mini Shell

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Current File : /home/kasaimoveis/www/admin/js/wl_Time.js

/* wl_Time v 1.0 by
/* description: makes a timefield out of an input field
/* dependency: jQuery Datepicker, mousewheel plugin, $.leadingZero

$.fn.wl_Time = function (method) {

	var args = arguments;
	return this.each(function () {

		var $this = $(this);

		if ($.fn.wl_Time.methods[method]) {
			return $.fn.wl_Time.methods[method].apply(this,, 1));
		} else if (typeof method === 'object' || !method) {
			if ($'wl_Time')) {
				var opts = $.extend({}, $'wl_Time'), method);
			} else {
				var opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.wl_Time.defaults, method, $;
		} else {
			$.error('Method "' + method + '" does not exist');

		if (!$'wl_Time')) {

			$'wl_Time', {});


				'mousewheel.wl_Time': function (event, delta) {
					var opts = $'wl_Time') || opts;
					if (opts.mousewheel) {
						//delta must be 1 or -1 (different on macs and with shiftkey pressed)
						delta = (delta < 0) ? -1 : 1;
						//scroll thru hours if shift key is pressed
						if (event.shiftKey) delta *= 60 / opts.step;
						$$this[0], delta);

				'change.wl_Time': function () {
					var opts = $'wl_Time') || opts;
					//correct input value
					//print it
					//callback$this[0], opts.time);
				//for 12h format ad a little span after the input and set length to 5 (hh:mm)
			}).after('<span class="timeformat"/>').attr('maxlength', 5);

			//is connected to a datepicker
			if (opts.connect !== null) {
				var _date = $('#' + opts.connect),
					_oldcallback = opts.onDateChange;

				//set a callback if the time reaches another date
				_callback = function (offset) {
					var current = new Date(_date.datepicker('getDate')).getTime();
					if (current) _date.datepicker('setDate', new Date(current + (864e5 * offset)));$this[0], offset);
				opts.onDateChange = _callback;

			//value is set and has to get translated (self-explanatory) 
			if (opts.value) {
				var now = new Date().getTime(),
				switch (opts.value) {
				case 'now':
					date = new Date(now);
					//if a valid number add them as days to the date field
					if (!isNaN(opts.value)) date = new Date(now + (60000 * (opts.value % 60)));
				//set the time (hh:mm)
				opts.time = $.leadingZero(date.getHours()) + ':' + $.leadingZero(date.getMinutes());
				//write it into the input

		} else {


		if (opts) $.extend($'wl_Time'), opts);


$.fn.wl_Time.defaults = {
	step: 5,
	timeformat: 24,
	roundtime: true,
	time: null,
	value: null,
	mousewheel: true,
	onDateChange: function (offset) {},
	onHourChange: function (offset) {},
	onChange: function (value) {}
$.fn.wl_Time.version = '1.0';

$.fn.wl_Time.methods = {
	change: function (delta) {
		var $this = $(this),
			opts = $'wl_Time'),
			_current = new Date('2010/01/01 ' + ($'wl_Time').time || '00:00')),
			_new = new Date(_current.getTime() + (delta * $'wl_Time').step * 60000)),
			_hours = _new.getHours(),
			_minutes = _new.getMinutes();

		//round the time on a mousewheel
		if (opts.roundtime) {
			_minutes -= (_minutes % $'wl_Time').step);

		//save time
		$'wl_Time').time = $.leadingZero(_hours) + ':' + $.leadingZero(_minutes);
		//and print it

		//callbacks, $'wl_Time').time);
		if (Math.abs(_current.getMinutes() - _minutes) == (60 - opts.step)) {, (_hours - _current.getHours()));
		if (Math.abs(_current.getHours() - _hours) == (23)) {, (_hours) ? -1 : 1);
	printTime: function () {
		var $this = $(this),
			opts = $'wl_Time'),
			time = opts.time;
		if (time) {
			time = time.split(':');
			//calculate the 12h format
			if (opts.timeformat == 12) {
				$this.val($.leadingZero(((time[0] % 12 == 0) ? 12 : time[0] % 12)) + ':' + $.leadingZero(time[1])).next().html((time[0] / 12 >= 1) ? 'pm' : 'am');
			//or set the 24h format
			} else {
				$this.val($.leadingZero(time[0]) + ':' + $.leadingZero(time[1]));
	correct: function () {
		var $this = $(this),
			val = $this.val(),
		//no value => stop
		if (val == '') return;
		//it is not hh:mm format
		if (!/^\d+:\d+$/.test(val)) {
			//convert the input (read the docs for more details)
			if (val.length == 1) {
				val = "0" + val + ":00";
			} else if (val.length == 2) {
				val = val + ":00";
			} else if (val.length == 3) {
				val = val.substr(0, 2) + ":" + val.substr(2, 3) + "0";
			} else if (val.length == 4) {
				val = val.substr(0, 2) + ":" + val.substr(2, 4);
		time = val.split(':');
		//value is wrong or out of range
		if (!/\d\d:\d\d$/.test(val) && val != "" || time[0] > 23 || time[1] > 59) {
			$'wl_Time').time = '00:00';
		//value is a time
		} else {
			//save it
			$'wl_Time').time = val;
			//print it
	set: function () {
		var $this = $(this),
			options = {};
		if (typeof arguments[0] === 'object') {
			options = arguments[0];
		} else if (arguments[0] && arguments[1] !== undefined) {
			options[arguments[0]] = arguments[1];
		$.each(options, function (key, value) {
			if ($.fn.wl_Time.defaults[key] !== undefined || $.fn.wl_Time.defaults[key] == null) {
				$'wl_Time')[key] = value;
			} else {
				$.error('Key "' + key + '" is not defined');


Zerion Mini Shell 1.0