Mini Shell

Direktori : /home/kasaimoveis/www/admin/
Upload File :
Current File : /home/kasaimoveis/www/admin/



if ($_GET['arquivo'] == TRUE) {
    $file = 'arquivos/' . $_GET['arquivo'];
    header("Content-type: application/save");
    header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $file . '"');
    header('Expires: 0');
    header('Pragma: no-cache');


//Gera arquivo xml (VIVA REAL)
if ($_GET['cmd'] == 'gerar_xml') {

    $array_estados = array(
        "AC" => "Acre", "AL" => "Alagoas", "AM" => "Amazonas", "AP" => "Amapa", "BA" => "Bahia", "CE" => "Ceara", "DF" => "Distrito Federal", "ES" => "Espirito Santo",
        "GO" => "Goias", "MA" => "Maranhao", "MT" => "Mato Grosso", "MS" => "Mato Grosso do Sul", "MG" => "Minas Gerais", "PA" => "Para", "PB" => "Paraiba", "PR" => "Parana",
        "PE" => "Pernambuco", "PI" => "Piaui", "RJ" => "Rio de Janeiro", "RN" => "Rio Grande do Norte", "RO" => "Rondonia", "RS" => "Rio Grande do Sul", "RR" => "Roraima",
        "SC" => "Santa Catarina", "SE" => "Sergipe", "SP" => "Sao Paulo", "TO" => "Tocantins"

    $data_arq = date("Y-m-d") . 'T' . date("H:i:s");
    $empresa = "Kasa Imoveis";
    $nome_contato = "Bruno Leonardo Magalhaes";
    //$estado = "Espirito Santo";
    //$cidade = "Vitoria";

    $xml = '<?phpxml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>';
    $xml .= '<ListingDataFeed xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">';
    $xml .= '<Header>';
    $xml .= '<Provider>' . utf8_encode($empresa) . '</Provider>';
    $xml .= '<Email></Email>';
    $xml .= '<ContactName>' . utf8_encode($nome_contato) . '</ContactName>';
    $xml .= '<Telephone>(27)3225-4798</Telephone>';
    $xml .= '<PublishDate>' . $data_arq . '</PublishDate>';
    $xml .= '<Logo></Logo>';
    $xml .= '</Header>';
    $xml .= '<Listings>';

    $str = "SELECT A.*, B.nome AS bairro, C.nome AS cidade			
		FROM imoveis A
		LEFT JOIN imoveis_bairros B ON A.idbairro = B.codigo 
		LEFT JOIN imoveis_cidades C ON A.idcidade = C.codigo
		WHERE A.status = '1'
    $rs = mysql_query($str) or die(mysql_error());

    $conteudo = "";

    while ($vet = mysql_fetch_array($rs)) {
        $idimovel = $vet['codigo'];
        $dat_arq = $vet['data'] . 'T' . date("H") . ':' . date("i") . ':' . date("s");

        $uf = $vet['uf'];
        $estado = $array_estados[$vet['uf']];

        if (!$vet['valor'])
            $valor = 0;
            $valor = floor($vet['valor']);

        if ($vet['finalidade'] == 3)
            $transaction_type = 'For Rent';
        elseif ($vet['finalidade'] == 2)
            $transaction_type = 'For Sale';
        elseif ($vet['finalidade'] == 1)
            $transaction_type = 'For Sale';

        if ($vet['tipo'] == '1')
            $property_type = 'Residential / Apartment';
        elseif ($vet['tipo'] == '2')
            $property_type = 'Commercial / Building';
        elseif ($vet['tipo'] == '3')
            $property_type = 'Comercial / Loja';
        elseif ($vet['tipo'] == '4')
            $property_type = 'Residential / Home';
        elseif ($vet['tipo'] == '5')
            $property_type = 'Residential / Penthouse';
        elseif ($vet['tipo'] == '6')
            $property_type = 'Residential / Kitnet';
        elseif ($vet['tipo'] == '7')
            $property_type = 'Commercial / Office';
        elseif ($vet['tipo'] == '8')
            $property_type = 'Residential / Land Lot';
        elseif ($vet['tipo'] == '9')
            $property_type = 'Residential / Farm Ranch';

        $xml .= '<Listing>';
        $xml .= '<ListingID>' . $vet['referencia'] . '</ListingID>';

        if ($vet['titulo'])
            $xml .= '<Title>' . preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\s]/", "", utf8_encode(utf8_decode($vet['titulo']))) . '</Title>';
            $xml .= '<Title>' . preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\s]/", "", utf8_encode(utf8_decode($vet['nome_imovel']))) . '</Title>';

        $xml .= '<TransactionType>' . $transaction_type . '</TransactionType>';

        if (!$vet['destaque'])
            $xml .= '<Featured>false</Featured>';
            $xml .= '<Featured>true</Featured>';

        $xml .= '<DetailViewUrl></DetailViewUrl>';

        $strI = "SELECT * FROM imoveis_imagens WHERE idimovel IN ('$idimovel') ORDER BY ind_destaque DESC, codigo ASC";
        $rsI  = mysql_query($strI) or die(mysql_error());
        $numI = mysql_num_rows($rsI);

        if ($numI > 0) {
            $xml .= '<Media>';
            while ($vetI = mysql_fetch_array($rsI)) {
                if ($vetI['codigo'] == TRUE) {
                    if (!$vetI['ind_destaque'])
                        $xml .= '<Item medium="image">' . $vetI['imagem'] . '</Item>';
                        $xml .= '<Item medium="image" primary="true">' . $vetI['imagem'] . '</Item>';
            $xml .= '</Media>';

        $xml .= '<Status>';
        $xml .= '<PropertyStatus>Available</PropertyStatus>';
        $xml .= '<StatusDate>' . $data_arq . '</StatusDate>';
        $xml .= '</Status>';
        $xml .= '<Details>';
        $xml .= '<PropertyType>' . $property_type . '</PropertyType>';

        if ($vet['descricao'])
            $xml .= '<Description><![CDATA[' . preg_replace('/(\'|")/', '', nl2br(stripslashes(utf8_encode(utf8_decode($vet['descricao']))))) . ']]></Description>';

        if ($vet['finalidade'] == 3)
            $xml .= '<RentalPrice currency="BRL">' . $valor . '</RentalPrice>';
            $xml .= '<ListPrice currency="BRL">' . $valor . '</ListPrice>';

        if ($vet['condominio'])
            $xml .= '<PropertyAdministrationFee currency="BRL" period="Monthly">' . floor($vet['condominio']) . '</PropertyAdministrationFee>';

        if ($vet['area_privativa'])
            $xml .= '<ConstructedArea unit="square metres">' . $vet['area_privativa'] . '</ConstructedArea>';

        if ($vet['area_terreno'])
            $xml .= '<LotArea unit="square metres">' . $vet['area_terreno'] . '</LotArea>';

        if ($vet['area_privativa'])
            $xml .= '<LivingArea unit="square metres">' . $vet['area_privativa'] . '</LivingArea>';

        if ($vet['quartos'])
            $xml .= '<Bedrooms>' . $vet['quartos'] . '</Bedrooms>';

        if ($vet['banheiros'])
            $xml .= '<Bathrooms>' . $vet['banheiros'] . '</Bathrooms>';

        if ($vet['suites'])
            $xml .= '<Suites>' . $vet['suites'] . '</Suites>';

        if ($vet['vagas'])
            $xml .= '<Garage type="Garage">' . $vet['vagas'] . '</Garage>';

        if ($vet['iptu'])
            $xml .= '<YearlyTax currency="BRL">' . $vet['iptu'] . '</YearlyTax>';

        $xml .= '</Details>';

        $xml .= '<Features>';

        if ($vet['interfone'])
            $xml .= '<Feature>Intercom</Feature>';

        //	$xml .= '<Feature></Feature>';

        if ($vet['elevador_social'])
            $xml .= '<Feature>Elevator</Feature>';

        if ($vet['playground'])
            $xml .= '<Feature>Playground</Feature>';

        if ($vet['piscina'])
            $xml .= '<Feature>Pool</Feature>';

        if ($vet['ar_condicionado'])
            $xml .= '<Feature>Air Conditioning</Feature>';

        if ($vet['quintal'])
            $xml .= '<Feature>Backyard</Feature>';

        if ($vet['sacada'])
            $xml .= '<Feature>Balcony/Terrace</Feature>';

        if ($vet['lareira'])
            $xml .= '<Feature>Fireplace</Feature>';

        if ($vet['mobiliado'])
            $xml .= '<Feature>Furnished</Feature>';

        if ($vet['deposito'])
            $xml .= '<Feature>Storage Room</Feature>';

        if ($vet['seguranca_24h'])
            $xml .= '<Feature>24 Hour Security</Feature>';

        if ($vet['sistema_alarme'])
            $xml .= '<Feature>Alarm System</Feature>';

        if ($vet['condominio_fechado'])
            $xml .= '<Feature>Gated Community</Feature>';

        if ($vet['churrasqueira'])
            $xml .= '<Feature>BBQ</Feature>';

        if ($vet['academia'])
            $xml .= '<Feature>Gym</Feature>';

        if ($vet['quadra'])
            $xml .= '<Feature>Sports Court</Feature>';

        if ($vet['jardim'])
            $xml .= '<Feature>Garden</Feature>';

        if ($vet['espaco_gourmet'])
            $xml .= '<Feature>Gourmet Area</Feature>';

        if ($vet['salao_festas'])
            $xml .= '<Feature>Party Room</Feature>';

        $xml .= '</Features>';

        $xml .= '<Location>';
        $xml .= '<Country abbreviation="BR">Brasil</Country>';
        $xml .= '<State abbreviation="' . $uf . '">' . $estado . '</State>';

        $endereco = $vet['endereco'];
        //	$endereco .= ' N: '.$vet['numero'];

        if ($vet['cidade'])
            $xml .= '<City>' . preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\s]/", "", $vet['cidade']) . '</City>';

        if ($vet['bairro'])
            $xml .= '<Neighborhood>' . preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\s]/", "", $vet['bairro']) . '</Neighborhood>';

        if ($vet['endereco'])
            $xml .= '<Address>' . preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\s]/", "", $endereco) . '</Address>';

        if ($vet['cep'])
            $xml .= '<PostalCode>' . $vet['cep'] . '</PostalCode>';

        if ($vet['numero'])
            $xml .= '<Number>' . $vet['numero'] . '</Number>';

        $xml .= '</Location>';
        $xml .= '<ContactInfo>';
        $xml .= '<Name>' . $nome_contato . '</Name>';
        $xml .= '<Email></Email>';
        $xml .= '<Telephone>(27)3225-4798</Telephone>';
        $xml .= '<Website></Website>';
        $xml .= '<Logo></Logo>';
        $xml .= '<OfficeName>' . $empresa . '</OfficeName>';
        $xml .= '<Location>';
        $xml .= '<Country abbreviation="BR">Brasil</Country>';
        $xml .= '<State abbreviation="' . $uf . '">' . utf8_encode($estado) . '</State>';
        $xml .= '<City>' . utf8_encode($cidade) . '</City>';
        $xml .= '<Address publiclyVisible="true">Grecia, 132, Praia do Canto</Address>';
        $xml .= '</Location>';
        $xml .= '</ContactInfo>';
        $xml .= '</Listing>';

    $xml .= '</Listings>';
    $xml .= '</ListingDataFeed>';

    //$caminho_arquivo = 'c:\\Arquivos de programas\\Apache Software Foundation\\Apache2.2\\htdocs\\kasa_imoveis\\adm\\arquivos\\kasa_imoveis.xml';
    //$caminho_arquivo = 'home/httpd/vhosts/';	

    $nome_arquivo = 'kasa_vivareal.xml';
    $arquivo = fopen('arquivos/' . $nome_arquivo, 'w+');

    fwrite($arquivo, $xml);

    $str = "INSERT INTO arquivos_xml (arquivo, tipo, data) VALUES ('$nome_arquivo', '1', CURDATE())";
    $rs = mysql_query($str) or die(mysql_error());

    msg("Arquivo XML gerado com sucesso");

$strA = "SELECT * FROM arquivos_xml ORDER BY codigo DESC LIMIT 1";
$rsA  = mysql_query($strA) or die(mysql_error());
$vetA = mysql_fetch_array($rsA);

$arquivo_xml = $vetA['arquivo'];

if ($_GET['ind'] == 2)
    $ind = 2;
    $ind = 1;
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Zerion Mini Shell 1.0